I hope I don’t jinx it

I know this will come back to haunt me, but it appears we have turned a corner. After last week’s raving success, this week has continued in the same vein.

Last weekend there were some major storms in Sydney, basically washing out any chance of doing anything outside of the house. The last place we wanted to go was to an indoor play centre. I am pretty sure that would have been most parent’s idea of hell, so we took the executive decision to not do that.

Unfortunately, that meant that the beast was kept inside for most of the weekend. Now, imagine one of the most excitable and energetic 2 year-olds you have ever seen, multiply that by at least six, and you have Harrison. All he wants to do is run around, go outside, splash in puddles and do anything that involves running.

We did manage to get to swimming lessons on Saturday morning though. Some people might think that means just going into the front garden and doing it in the swimming pool that was our front yard, but no. I braved the conditions, bunged a coat and wellies on him and off we went. The walk to and from swimming was very much enjoyed by Big H. He went into pretty much every puddle that had formed between the car and the pool. It took ages, but eventually we made the sanctuary of the pool/car.

The fun was not over when we got home. After being released from his car seat, the short walk across the front lawn was one that couldn’t have occurred without the resumption of the puddle jumping. Ten minutes later and Daddy was cold and wet, so he decided to be the party pooper and inside we went. Only the bribery of a cupcake could bring him inside – again, he has learnt from his Dad.

The rains got heavier, so that was it for outside fun, but it was all good. Harrison decided to ruin a couple more books for Lis and I by making us read them 23,985 times over the next couple of days, but he also watched Madagascar for the first time. This makes me extremely happy as I bloody love the Madagascar films. I know there are some parents out there that frown upon kids watching TV, and each to their own, but this was a god-send. We have had to curb the How to Train Your Dragon watching, as this has led to an increase in his interest of his little toy knife and he now wants to cut anything and anyone with it.

The other excitement for the week was Nanny coming down to stay a night. She came down on Tuesday to spend some time with H and Lis. Harrison was very excited to see her, and he knows already exactly how to play her. He claims he doesn’t want any food, knowing full well that Nanny will feed him, rather than making him eat it on his own like his parents do. He will get even more Nanny time as we are headed up there this weekend for the public holiday so here comes spoil street. Happy fathering.


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